Monday, 31 October 2011

Write about something that is important to you. (Hope College)

I’d love to demonstrate for you the feelings I’ll be describing in the coming paragraphs. You’ll need this painting below:


I would like you to empty your mind and concentrate on this painting. Think about it, visualize it and see what it shows you. I want you to focus your eyes on the composition of the spiral staircase that cuts the entire shape in a curious way and these two people located on two opposite side in the conspicuous circles. Do you see anything? It’s fine if you don’t see straight away. Even I didn’t see it at first. Now concentrate your eyes on the sources of light in the painting, especially the arched window that creates a large circle of glowing light in the room and the women on the right. What do you see? Yes, Yin-Yang! Spiral staircase demarks the lighter half from the darker half creating a shape very close to the yin-yang. The circles near the man and woman's head represents the smaller circles embedded in the yin-yang.

Right now (hopefully) you’re experiencing a moment of surprise. If you are like the hundreds of spectators he entertained as an artist, you are probably asking yourself, “How did he do that?” He must have heard these five simple words over and over again, but I don’t think he was asked the “Why.” It is this question he may be wanted and I would like to answer.

So, why did he do that? I should probably begin with the meaning of Yin-Yang. This symbol represents the ancient Chinese understanding of how life work. The outer circle represents "everything", while the black and white shapes within the circle represent the interaction of two energies, called "yin" (black) and "yang" (white), which cause everything to happen. Through this symbal, the author is expressing the universal law that life is not completely black or white and they cannot exist without each other.

I also want to give what I believe is one of the most precious gifts I can give to others – the gift of suprise. Through my painting, I strive to demonstrate that people should be more open to others and others’ ideas. I strive to demonstrate that nothing is impossible. I strive to demonstrate that real art occurs around us everywhere, every day.

To me, art is the strongest tool to express my thought and feeling. Art is my passion that combines everything I love. That is why I do art and why art is a major part of what I am.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Police Clear Camp of Offshoot Demonstrators in Denver

Article/Link: Police Clear Camp of Offshoot Demonstrators in Denver by Dan Frosch and Kirk Johnson

Published: October14, 2011; accessed: October 18, 2011

Occupy Wall  Street movement at the park in front of the State Capitol had been cleared by police officers. The police arrested 24 people who refused to disperse. Police came early in the dark morning with flashing lights and announced that the park will be “closed until further notice.” Gov. John Hickenlooper, the first state leader to take an aggressive stance, met protesters on Thursday and required all the protesters to leave the park by 11 p.m. He also said, “We have state laws and city laws that have to be obeyed by everyone” at a news conference on the same day. Despite of his multiple requests and warnings, the protest movement had been continued at the Colorado State Patrol and many other cities like Boston. As a result, the police have moved to stop the protest from expanding to additional locations and demonstrated extreme restraint and professionalism as they encountered a very difficult situation. By 8 a.m., most of the protest was dismantled and Mr. Hickenlooper praised the protesters for staying peacful.

This article clearly depicts an image of the "combine" and "manipulator" in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. The United States and Gov. John Hickenlooper is an example of the combine and Nurse Ratched. Mr. Hickenlooper, as a representative of the United States, is crushing all the protesters and maintaining the order of the combine world like Nurse Ratched controlling all the patients in the mental hospital. In this case, protesters who are fighting against the government are manipulator like McMurphy. They are disturbing the order of the United States by rebelling against the United States. Despite their strong rebellion, Mr. Hickenlooper sends a group of police officers and easily clears most of their protest. However, some protesters resisted and refused to disperse. This depicts an image of McMurphy sacrificing himself to defeat Nurse Ratched and the system. Mr. Hickenlooper, however, demonstrated hammering down all the sticking out nails by arresting these people as Nurse Ratched forced electroshock therapy and lobotomy on McMurphy.

"The police in other cities where protests have spread have not yet sought to dismantle them."
To disassemble or pull dow; take apart/ To deprive or strip of apparatus, funiture, equipment, defenses
Origin: 1570-80; < Middle French desmanteler
Today I will dismantle Hostel refrigerator so that no one can store anything in it.

"We don't see that as a cue for any group to camp out in any park."
Anything that excites to action; stimulus/ a hint, intimation; guiding suggestion
Origin: 1545-55; spelled named of the letter qas an abbreviation (found in acting scripts) of Latin quandowhen
Mr.Anderson will cue me before I go up to the stage for today's announcement.

"State troopers and Denver police demonstrated extreme restraint."
The act of restraining, holding back, controlling, or checking.
Origin: 1350-1400; Middle English restreinte< Middle French restrainte, noun used of feminie past participle of restraindre to restrain
One day I will be freed from the restraint of the school!