Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Published: November 20, 2011; accessed: November 30, 2011

There are inevitable competition between China, the rising power, and the United States, the established power. Rise of China indeed pose a challenge to the United States as they are gaining more authority in the global system of economy and military.

Yan Xuetong, a political realist, states that morality is the key to defeat the United States. He suggests politicians to focus more on morality rather than economy and military realm because whoever owns people’s heart and mind will prevail.

He supported his argument from studying ancient Chinese political theorists such as Guanzi, Confucius, Xunzi and Mencius. According to these theorists and pre-Qin period, China maintained a unified empire during the period in which small countries were competing ruthlessly for territorial advantage. Yan Xuetong studied that the main reason they could preserve their territory and firmly stay as one, strong, unified empire was political power and that the central attribute of political power was morally informed leadership.

According to the ancient Chinese philosopher Xunzi, humane authority, hegemony and tyranny are the three main type of leadership. Firstly, humane authority attains hearts and minds of the people. Secondly, tyranny which focuses on military force creates enemies. Lastly, hegemonic powers lay somewhere between cheating the people at home and cheating allies abroad. There was an agreement among philosophers that humane authority is the best form of leadership.

The three type of leadership relates to McMurphy, the protagonist of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. Based on ancient Chinese Xunzi’s philosophy, we can conclude that McMurphy could bring change to hospital and its patients because he used humane authority.

Through humane authority, McMurphy successfully gains patients’ heart and mind. His self-sacrifice on behalf of all patients made himself like a Christ Figure. Through his courageous rebellion against Nurse Ratched, he attains patients’ heart and slowly gathers them around him.

McMurphy is a great leader who used humane authority to gain patient's heart and bring change to them.


Cheerfully optimistic, hopeful, or confident.
1275–1325; Middle English sanguyne  a blood-red cloth < Old French sanguin  < Latin sanguineus  bloody, equivalent to sanguin-,  stem of sanguis  blood + -eus -eous
I am not so sanguine about my grade because I know that my grade will fall.

Unable to be avoided, evaded, or escaped.
1400–50; late Middle English < Latin inēvītābilis.
Final exam is inevitable because no matter what I have to take it.

3. Accordance
Agreement; conformity
1275–1325; Middle English acordance  < Old French. See accord, -ance
All teachers made an accordance of how they should teach students. 

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

challenge 11

#54 Discuss how some negative experience (disability, illness, failure) has had a positive influence on your life.

With a huge dream, I came to Woodstock. It was a great opportunity for me to study here and build my dream. I was very happy and excited. But this joy did not last long.  By the end of semester, I got C in all subjects except for art. It was an absolute failure for me and a huge disappointment for my dad. I could not blame this to anyone. It was my fault.

Now when I look back my first semester of Woodstock, it was not just an inerasable failure, but rather it became a key to success. Because I experienced what I did wrong from last semester, I could do hundred times better. I learned to review class lesson everyday. I learned not to start study a night before. I learned to finish the book rather than relying on Spark Note. Basically, I learned “what to do” and “what not to do.”

Thinking about my failure in first semester, I think it had a positive influence not only on my grade, but my life. I became a good student who reviewed and planned ahead for my goals.

Success is not a universal good. Sometimes, hard fought and failure is worth more than an easy victory. As a society, we should be ready to learn from mistake and become a better people. Thank you!

Sunday, 27 November 2011

challenge 10

#21 If you had the gift of telepathy, the ability to read other people’s minds, would you use this gift or not? Explain. (Middle East Technical University/93)

If I had the ability to read other people’s mind, I will use this gift. I have three reasons for this. Firstly, I believe that gift is a chance. Gift is something that you did not have previously and have it now. It is something that came from outside. Not from you. So taking a gift means taking a chance. For instance, if you got a gift of hundred rupees, you have a chance of using hundred rupees for whatever your purpose. I do not reject a gift unless it is a harmful one. Secondly, everyone wear a mask in this society. People hind their mind and thought. Without knowing their mind, we can never know them fully. The only way to know them fully is though reading their mind. Lastly, without knowing them, we cannot become a leader. How could we possibly lead and help people when you have no idea what they want and what they need? Every leader in history had the ability to read other people’s mind. Gandhi, a father of India, could see that commoners needed more rights such as equality before the law, respect from upper class, and fair treatment in their job. Gandhi solved this problem with the gift of telepathy. This applies to everyone. This gift of telepathy is an answer to my and your problem. Therefore, I will accept the gift if telepathy.

challenge 9

#16 Describe a risk that you have taken and discuss its impact on your life. (Kalamazoo College/93)

I took a risk of not finishing One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. It was an unintentional risk. I could not complete because every time I tried to read, it made me fall sleep. Anyway it was a risk because without reading a book, I could not survive in the class. I failed every single quiz and got C in my oral presentation. Because of this, my grade fell from B to C. I deserved all these consequences because I did not read the book. But it was a worthy risk. From this risk, I learned that I cannot survive without reading a book in this class. Last year, I could depend on Spark Note and get A in quiz. Here in this class I couldn’t. It was good risk though because now I learned from it. I would like to say every risk is worth it if we learn something from it. I would like to end this essay by concluding a famous quote by somebody: every great deed is wrought at risk.

Challenge 8

#3 What is the best advice you ever received? Why? And did you follow it? (University of Pennsylvania)

The best advice I ever received is one, simple, powerful phrase: Do not give up. This really touched my heart because I’ve lived for eighteen years old and I gave up all that was hard. If anything that required long time effort and endeavor, I gave up. Why? Because it’s hard. I know my self well. I am a person who cannot continue if it is lengthy and hard. But again I know my self well. I do not want to be that kind of person. From now, I do not want to give up because I was told not to give up. I want to start with this challenge. I was supposed to write twenty seven challenges by today, but right now I only have wrote six challenges. Should I stop here because I am too far behind? I got time. I have some time left. I have time to catch up. So I want stop here. Let’s see whether I can catch up or not. Whether I catch up or not, I will gain something. If I catch up, I will see that I could do this. Even if I didn’t, I will be able to say at least I tried; at least I followed not to stop. So this is not the end. I will start writing again. Not only this. I will continue do all the challenge that is coming soon in my life.

Challenge 7

#3 Imagine that you have the opportunity to travel back through time. At what point in history would you like to stop and why? (Swarthmore)

If I have the opportunity to travel back through time, I would like to stop at the time of Pablo Picasso. The answer is simple. I want to become like him. I want to discover who he is, when he began drawing, where he learned to paint, what he painted, how he was able to paint all type of art, and why he chose an artist life. I want to know and learn everything about him. Art is my passion. I strive to demonstrate that nothing is impossible. But my problem is that I do not know how to do that. There is a limit in me. I don’t know how to break this limit, but if I can observe Picasso’s life, a life of an amazing artist, I believe I can solve my problem. He has an answer to my question. Not my question only, but question of everyone who pursue art: How we could carry a message in our painting. He was the one who went far beyond human’s limit. He knew how to think outside the box. He could do this because he was outside the box. I need to get out of box which limits my imagination and skills. I know that I cannot be able to carry a message and gift of astonishment in my painting unless I really get out of the box. Therefore, if I have the opportunity to travel back, I’m going to stop and meet Pablo Picasso.

Monday, 7 November 2011

Challenge 6: "Life is not fair; get used to it."

#1: If you were to describe yourself by a quotation, what would the quote be? Explain your answer. (Dartmouth)

“Life is not fair; get used to it” – Bill Gates

I love English.
Learning in another language is super fun.
But because I can’t speak fluently,
People make fun of me.
Yes, I know. Life is not fair.

I love History.
Experiencing their life, culture, and philosophy is breathtakingly serious.
But when it comes to a test, I fail.
There is not a single test I passed so far.
Yes, I know. Life is not fair.

I love Art.
Expressing your thought through a piece of paper is super cool.
I am actually quite good at art too.
But in our school there are so many who are better than me.
Yes, I know. Life is not fair.

Basically, there is not a single thing I’m best at in my school.
But you know that?
I don’t care as long as I love them.
And that’s what matters!

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Challenge 5: Is depression really a sign of weakness?

Write about some issue of local, national, or international concern and its significance to you. (Hope College)

Is depression really a sign of weakness? Depression may be described as feeling sad, blue, unhappy, miserable, or down in the dumps. Most of us feel this way at one time or another for short periods. However, clinical depression is an emotional disorder in which feelings of sadness, loss, anger, or frustration interfere with everyday life.

Human mind is a complex puzzle. Psychological theories, diagnoses and treatments are constantly changing and may never be fully understood. Furthermore, a depressed person has unclear measurable symptoms like lethargy, emotional polarity or apathy, whereas someone with the flu will show clear symptoms like fever, nausea, and congestion. Unfortunately, people tend to dismiss answers that don’t provide simple answers. Depression, however, is an illness just like influenza or cancer. 

The reason I am bringing up this issue is because emotional disorders are a remarkably sad facet of life. Depression alters one’s life at least as dramatically as more “accepted” illnesses do, especially in a world that denies one’s suffering. They need others to understand the limitations depression imposes. They need to be allowed to heal.

The key to resolving this problem is education. People of all ages need to understand how prevalent depression is and that it is not a cause for embarrassment. Hopefully, we will one day live in a world where emotional disorders will be treated with the same tolerance and compassion as “accepted” illnesses.

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Challenge 4: Skeptical Eye

#42: What are the responsibilities of an educated person? (University of Puget Sound)
Today, media broadcasts news for global audiences. But does this news resemble more closely an objective analysis or a subjective analysis? One great responsibilities of an educated person is to ask whether the news they read and hear is based on objective facts or subjective views.

Most people think of news as the factual story of what is going on in the world.  Few would say that the news is a script produced by businessmen seeking ratings and profits, although this is an uncontroversial fact that is hard to deny. Most people either accept what they see in the media as facts or cynically dismiss everything they hear as propaganda. From these two extremes, an educated person should discover what is factual and what is not.

Media display flashy images, scandalous revelations, and sound bites devoid for context. Journalists interpret and explain the news for us, encouraging us to sit quietly rather than think. An Educated person must view this programming with a skeptical eye so that the viewer can better understand what is real and what is merely opinion.

There is a power in information. Information can unite or fracture, confirm or shake previously held beliefs. An educated person must pursue the truth by asking questions and resisting the urge to accept every image flashed before them.

Education teaches us to analyze situations from multiple angles whenever possible. A true educated person who have embrace the moral value of critical thinking will apply that to the world around them, treating every bit of news only as a piece of information open to debate and intense analysis.

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Challenge 3: Only victory will do!

#53: Discuss a significant experience or achievement that has influenced your life.

My Dad always says, "It is not about how you win the game. It is about how you play the game." I can understand his point. Tying hard and [something] is its own reward. But sometimes life is about whether you win or lose. Sometimes, only victory will do.

I should probably begin with a historical example. Without question, World War II was hard fought by the United States as they struggled to join. Thousands of innocent soldiers were died from this battle. However, would it have been worth it if they did not join the battle and allowed Hitler, Mussolini, and Hirohito to put "undesirables" to death?

We know that life is more than getting good grade and going to a good college. This is right. However, there is no doubt that going to a good college is one of the greatest accomplishment in our life. If we get in, we accomplish. If we don't, we fail.   

We say life is a marathon. We learn through mistakes and failure. There always will be second change and third change. But I say life is only once. When we account to something that is important to us, it is about whether we win or lose. There won't be second or third. So in this case, I sacrifice anything in order to win.

Challenge 2: Power of Imagination

#93: Briefly describe how [the name of the college] can help you to achieve your academic and personal goals.

There once was a form of a great leader carved on a huge stone in a village. The villagers lived as they waited such a person to be appeared in the future; especially an earnest boy always looked at the stone and hoped to see such a leader. In the end, the boy became the one villagers waited.

My dad always says, “Those who all succeed had a habit of imagining.” There is no doubt on what he said. There is a power in imagination. If I imagine the future that life is full of misery and despair, it will accompany in my mind and my life will actually become miserable. I am an optimistic person who lives life with more zeal as opposed to a pessimist. So even through trials and adversities, I do not carry such words as ‘despair’ and ‘failure’ on our mouth.

Life is all about imagination. Fortunately, there is no limit or cost in imagination. All I need is freedom and willingness to dream. So if I want to fulfill something, I begin with imagination. In my pocket, I have a piece of paper, which I wrote all the things that I want to attain. Everyday I open and read it out loud. Since I have habit of doing this, no one can ever discourage me; their mindless comments are simply jabs that never did and never will succeed in making me lose hope. Unless I stop dreaming, my dream will surely be fulfilled. There is nothing I did not attain from the one I dreamed.

The ability to imagine, I believe, is one of the greatest gifts that mankind possesses. Deep inside us, we already have capacity to achieve what we dream. Therefore, I just release my imagination and run toward my goal.